OSM® Recloser
The World's Most Advanced Autoreclosing Outdoor Circuit Breaker System
OSM® Recloser
The OSM Recloser System

Eliminate 80% of your Medium Voltage Electricity Distribution Network Outages with the only Solid Dielectric Insulated, Autoreclosing Circuit Breaker with Vacuum Interruption and Arc Fault Venting.
Supplied complete with an RC Series control, the OSM Recloser system can address most electricity distribution protection and control applications from 11 kV to 38 kV.
User case study
How Emerald PUD Improved their Network Reliability with the OSM Recloser System
Read case study→Class Defining Operating Safety
The World’s Only Solid Dielectric Recloser System with Arc Fault Venting.
Your ROI
With the OSM Recloser, cut your SAIDI and SAIFI by up to 80%, and your network reliability gains give an average asset investment payback period of less than 12 months**
Maintenance Free
Designed for service across the full industrial environment range from up to -40°C to +55°C, with options to -60°C

SF6 Free
Advanced solid dielectric insulation technology in the OSM Recloser makes legacy SF6-based medium voltage switchgear obsolete. Eliminate SF6 maintenance work from your network with the OSM Recloser System.

Switchgear Phase Variants
Configurations for Any Medium Voltage Network.
Available for all applications up to 38 kV, as a Three Phase, Two Wire Single Phase, Single Phase Earth Return and Single Triple configurations.

One Product, Many Applications.
11kV Switchgear, 27kV Switchgear or 38kV Switchgear - The Most Versatile Outdoor Circuit Breaker Protection and Automation Asset in the Engineers Toolkit.
A Fully Integrated System
Primary and Secondary Systems in one package.
Type Tested and with Primary and Secondary Systems End-to-End tested to IEC62271-111/IEEE C37.60 at the factory.

The Most Comprehensive Auto-Reclosing Outdoor Circuit Breaker Ever Released.
Protection, SCADA Communications and Smart Grid Automation in a Single Integrated System.
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Let’s solve electricity network protection and reliability challenges together
*Based on global averages of Momentary Fault Cause Classifications.
**Based on savings from lost revenue and penalties. Payback periods vary across global regions based on local regulations